Minnesota, Death Index, 1904-2001
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Minnesota, Death Index, 1904-2001
4,460,573 기록
This collection includes an index of death records from Minnesota, between 1904-2001. Information may include the deceased name, date of death, county of death, date of birth, county of birth and certificate number. It may also include the mother’s maiden name when available.<br><br>Information for the years 1908-2001 is recorded from death certificates as recorded by a physician or a mortician. Information in this collection for years prior to 1908 is taken from death cards. Unlike death certificates, many death cards were filled out very incompletely. Cards, especially for the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, frequently contain little more information than the name of the decedent, date of death, sex, marital status, birthplace, cause of death, and person reporting the death.
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William James MayoDied: July 28 1939
William James Mayo was a physician and surgeon in the United States and one of the seven founders of the Mayo Clinic.